Flashing my old HTC U Ultra to LineageOS

When I bought this second phone, I don't really have an option to flash to LineageOS. Happy to have found an quite updated version (19.1) that I can try to put my phone on.

Main References

  1. XDA guide https://xdaforums.com/t/rom-12l-unofficial-oce-lineageos-19-1-stable.4400739/
  2. TWRP https://twrp.me/htc/htcuultra.html

Most of the steps mentioned above will just work.

Unlock OEM Bootloader

In order to carry on with the first steps, I need to manually go to HTC to request to unlock the bootloader.

  1. Go to https://www.htcdev.com/bootloader/
  2. Register yourself
  3. Click and Follow "Begin Unlock Bootloader"

On the phone,

  1. Enable Developer Options
  2. Enable OEM Unlock
  3. Boot to download mode
./adb reboot download
  1. Get token
./fastboot oem get_identifier_token`
  1. Submit the token back to the website, and wait for an email e.g., email with attached Unlock_code.bin.
  2. Unlock!
./fastboot flash unlocktoken Unlock_code.bin


TWRP is the a custom recovery UI.

  1. In download mode, adb flash the download image.
fastboot flash recovery twrp.img
  1. In TWRP, clean up the data.
  2. Install LineageOS ROM

The Result

The result is quite satisfying. I love how clean LineageOS is. I didn't put on the Google Apps, just downloaded F-droid and its apps for now.

Created 2023-12-10T15:15:07+08:00, updated 2023-12-10T15:21:18+08:00 · History · Edit